
Sacred 2 gold
Sacred 2 gold

The story is even worse than the first game’s Put simply, Sacred 2 is an exercise in frustration.

sacred 2 gold

It isn’t a classic, though, and it not only retains many of the first game’s flaws, but actually adds in plenty of its own. Sacred 2 is definitely one of the stranger games in the series, being mediocre in just about every way, yet having been built up in fans’ minds as some kind of an underrated classic. I hadn’t touched a Sacred game before deciding to play through the whole series, so it’s an interesting opportunity to see the pros and cons of each entry without the burden of rose-colored nostalgia glasses.

sacred 2 gold sacred 2 gold

As I mentioned in my Sacred 1 review, I’m playing through the 3 Sacred games back-to-back-to-back to get an idea of how the series has changed over the years.

Sacred 2 gold