You should only obtain this if you own a legitimate copy of the game) (One option sndtrk_q2_ogg.zip is available here: - please note that the soundtrack is the intellectual property of the owner.

However as previously mentioned save files will not be compatible between these two versions. This has a number of benefits including, but not limited to, modding, music support and a reworked save system. The 2nd release of Quake2Quest updates the underlying engine to Yamagi. I will not be held responsible for anyone making themselves ill.

The moment you start to feel under the weather YOU MUST STOP PLAYING for a good period of time before you try again. WARNING: There is a good chance that unless you have your VR-legs this will probably make you feel a bit sick. The original project this port is very loosely based on the Quake 2 port created by Stefan Welker for the Open Dive VR headset (), however that build has been deprecated. This version of Quake2Quest is now updated and based on the excellent Yamagi Quake 2 Engine (). It supports drag and drop for installing APK files! The easiest way to install this on your Quest is using SideQuest, a Desktop app designed to simplify sideloading apps and games ( even beat saber songs on quest ) on Standalone Android Headsets like Oculus Quest and Oculus Go. This is built solely for the Oculus Quest VR HMD and will not run on any other device. Welcome to the first (and only I believe) full 6DoF implementation of the Quake 2 Engine in VR.