It’s rare to see such a slick-looking endurance car, but the Progen Tyrus makes it look too easy. Progen Tyrus Cost: $2,550,000 Screengrab via Rockstar Games Yet, when you manage to tame this beast, it will become the go-to car in your collection, as it goes like a slingshot and handles like a dream. With a name like the Tyrant, you’d expect this car to try and cut your head off at the first opportunity, and as its braking isn’t brilliant (just like most of the other supercars on this list), there’s a very good chance that until you get used to how it stops, it will do just that. Overflod Tyrant Cost: $2,515,000 Screengrab via Rockstar Games It also sticks to the road like glue, meaning that you shouldn’t have any trouble taking corners and escaping the cops at break-neck speed without sticking your brand new toy (and your face) into the nearest wall. Based on the McLaren Senna, the Progen Emerus is a beautiful looking piece of machinery that is as fast as it is costly. The Progen Emerus is mouth-wateringly expensive, but it’s worth every penny. Progen Emerus Cost: $2,750,000 Screengrab via Rockstar Games Available from Legendary Motorsport at the low, low price of $2.825 million, the Pegassi Tezeract is the perfect middle finger to the plebs of Los Santos. But it doesn’t matter when it looks this good and can tear your face off as soon as you touch the throttle. Its blistering speed and ability to stick to the road like glue is only slightly let down by its acceleration and braking.

The now-second-most-expensive car in GTA Online, the Pegassi Tezeract looks like a fighter jet and handles like one too. In this subsection of the webstie you can learn more about classical sportscars in GTA 5.Pegassi Tezeract Cost: $2,825,000 Screengrab via Rockstar Games Despite the fact that classical supercars are behind in main characteristics of supercars, their price, due to the limited quantity of classical sportscars, is much higher than ones' of supercars - it varies from 500 thousands up to 10 million of dollars (which is, by the way, more expensive than any aircraft and tank in Grand Theft Auto 5), and, to be honest, that is rather unrational price. Characteristics of classic sportscars are somewhere between muscle cars and supercars, but it highly depends of manufacturer, as, for example, Pegassi Monroe is so much closer to "regular" supercar. Adorers of antiquities will definitely like them, as they have an old good strict, classical style, proven and sustained over years.

Classical sportscars - are a kind of sports cars, styled after auto-mobiles of XX-th century, or are charged versions (if there is such a necessity for it to match up with modern cars) of an actual old supercars.